God’s DNA Revealed In You – Pt 2 – 1/27/2019

Part 2:  [Rescheduled because of snowstorm.  Now 1/27/2019 at 12:30pm]

1. A Call for True Holiness

One reason why we don’t see more of God’s power manifested in the church today is that there is a lack of holiness.

Hebrews 12:29 tell us that “Our God is a consuming fire”.

Paul wrote in 2 Thes. 1:7-8 when the Lord Jesus is revealed from heaven in blazing fire with his powerful angels. He will punish those who do not know God and do not obey the gospel of our Lord Jesus.

The purpose of this fire is to ……

– Purify and Cleanse

– Reveal sin and burn it out

– Separate the “chaff” from the “wheat” (false believers from true believers)

– Bring judgment upon those who refuse to repent


There is intimacy in the fire. And there is power in the fire.

God’s Holy Seed Is Producing His Life In You

To live, walk, and operate in the supernatural power of almighty God,

you must live a life separated from sin and set yourself apart for God.

This involves every aspect of our life, including your thoughts, actions, conversations, and relationships.

God’s holy seed – His spiritual DNA – is reproducing in you…. His love, His joy, His peace, His mercy, His faith, His power, His glory, His holiness, His image and His life!

Think about what this means to you!

Through Christ, the holy seed of God has been placed in you to produce a new life – a new nature that is “created in god’s image, (Godlike) in true righteousness and holiness. Ephesians 4:24 AMP

To walk in the supernatural, with His power and glory manifested in your life, you must therefore walk in true holiness.



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